RVHS “S” Club

The 2022/23 S Club board.

The “S” Club is an extracurricular service club for Rio Vista High School students sponsored by Soroptimist International of Rio Vista. The club is a great way for high school students to learn about serving others and helping in the community.

High school girls face unique gender bias, discrimination and challenges as they grow up and enter the working world. Mentoring girls through the sponsorship of an S Club, enables Soroptimists to impart invaluable support and guidance, while providing growth and leadership opportunities.

S Club is a vital part of the high school extracurricular groups and is a great way for high school students to learn about serving others and helping in the community. The S Club service project for this year is providing child/teen survival bags for those facing crisis situations. The club is supplying about 20 completed survival bags for this project. This project parallels the Soroptimist Women’s Rights committee project providing survival bags to women in crisis situations.