Days for Girls

Soroptimists of Rio Vista Support Menstrual Equity

Can you imagine missing school or work because you did not have proper menstrual supplies? What if you lost several days each year in education and wages simply because you got your period? What if no one ever taught you about menstruation, or worse: if menstrual taboos and myths made you feel ashamed of your body? This is the situation for more than 500 million women and girls worldwide.

Soroptimist International of Rio Vista partners with the El Cerrito club and Days for Girls. The nonprofit increases access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, mobilizing volunteers, and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigma and limitations that women and girls face in many parts of the world.

Rio Vista Soroptimists got together Saturday March 30, 2024 at the Trilogy Vista Clubhouse to construct durable sustainable kits made to last at least three years. Club members completed 20 kits containing two 100% cotton shields, eight liners (pads), two underpants, soap in a wet bag, and one washcloth. The kits are sent to a Soroptimist Club in Kenya near Kisumu to distribute to a local school.

Soroptimist of Rio Vista is proud to support menstrual equity everywhere. Period.